Walkers Squares Salt & Vinegar Snacks PMP 27.5g (32 Bags)
Snacks with angles is where it’s at, while the others sit in their packs, all round and smooth, Squares are unashamedly different! Salt and Vinegar Flavoured
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get_sku(); } else{ $product_id = $woo_prefix.$product->id; } $price = $product->get_price(); ?> cart->get_cart(); $cartprods_items = array(); foreach ( (array) $cartprods as $entry ) { if($is_sku){ $sku = $entry['data']->get_sku(); //echo "SKU is ".$woo_prefix.$sku; array_push( $cartprods_items, "'".$woo_prefix.$sku."'" ); } else{ array_push( $cartprods_items, "'".$woo_prefix.$entry['product_id']."'" ); } } ?> get_total(); // Only run conversion script if the payment has not failed. (has_status('completed') is too restrictive) // And use the order meta to check if the conversion code has already run for this order ID. If yes, don't run it again. if ( ! $order->has_status( 'failed' )) { $order_items = $order->get_items(); $order_items_array = array(); foreach ( (array) $order_items as $item ) { if($is_sku){ $product = new WC_Product($item['product_id']); $sku = $product->get_sku(); array_push( $order_items_array, "'".$woo_prefix.$sku."'" ); } else{ array_push( $order_items_array, "'".$woo_prefix.$item['product_id']."'" ); } } ?>
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